Artist in Residence SchUM
The “ShUM Sites Speyer, Worms and Mainz” nominated as UNESCO World Heritage Sites are unique and shine out into the world with their monuments, cemeteries and the stories associated with them. We hope for the positive decision of UNESCO at the end of July. ShUM has always been a place of Jewish cultural creativity and innovation. We would now like to take this up again. A first-time artist-in-residence program has been created, supported by the state and the three cities, which is international in its call for proposals!
Up to three project grants will be offered for the realization of an artistic project dealing with the history of the ShUM communities and their religious, cultural and architectural heritage. A public presentation of the completed project is sought (exhibition, concert, reading, performance, etc.). An artistic approach to the ShUM heritage is desired, taking into account the history and present of Judaism and its views.
For more information, please see the press release and the call flyer.
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